Cardamom Rose Boutique Gallery

About Me


Ramona Flick
Artist Writer Illustrator

This is what Rene Russo said to Tommy Lee Jones and Morgan Freeman in the movie  “Just getting Started” about my paintings, which are used as a prop.




I have told inumerable stories to my children, some of them were even true and drawn and painted as soon as I could hold a pencil. From this passion arose Ninja Kitty.

Ninja Kitty: The Enchantress and her Cat

Sighting the main article of his favorite monthly magazine, the

Wizard discovers the fabulous Enchantress, who can travel to any location she desires on her own personal island Kingdom.

The Wizard decides he must send her a gift. After consulting with Raven, the gift of a little rabbit was sent to the remarkable palace of the Enchantress. The gift rabbit immediately steals the heart of the Enchantress while creating an enemy of the Imperial pet … the cat.

This book is available on Kindle 

This book is also available on Google

This book is also available as an Audio Book


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